Doctor leaned on a window, looking outside

How can the Teva IMPACT-TD Registry help us better understand our patients?

About the Registry

  • The Teva IMPACT-TD Registry will follow patients for 3 years and will investigate how TD progresses over time and evaluate the impact of TD on patients’ lives
  • This information – gathered via questionnaires to be completed during the patient’s usual clinic visits – will answer key questions that will help illustrate the full impact of TD, such as:
    • How and to what extent TD affects a person’s life
    • How and when to assess impact and how to measure improvement
    • How does the impact of TD change over time
    • When TD can be considered ‘disabling’, as stated in the APA Guidelines


Patient eligibility

Help us by enrolling patients who

  • Are 18 years of age or older, with capacity to provide informed consent

  • Have an Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) score of ≥2 in at least one body region and probable TD based on DSM-5 criteria

Or patients who

  • Are 18 years of age or older, with capacity to provide informed consent

  • Are on stable treatment with a VMAT2 inhibitor


Register your interest in participating

If you are treating eligible patients and are interested in participating in the study, please enter your contact information below and a study representative will contact you to discuss further